Content Creation, Control & Copyright: Protecting Intellectual Property

As I'm sure many others born in the late nineties can relate to, some of my fondest childhood memories involve trips to the local video store to rent the newest movies on DVD. Likewise, I'm sure you're all equally familiar with the anti-piracy ad that played before each and every one. Piracy: we know it's a crime, but why? How is downloading a movie from the internet comparable to stealing a car, or a handbag, or a television?

Constructing Perceptions

Our individual perceptual frames are built from schema, but in order to truly understand this statement and this week's topic as a whole, we must first define some of these important terms. Frame: a structure of concepts, values, customs, views, and attitudes by means of which an individual perceives or evaluates data, communicates ideas, forms … Continue reading Constructing Perceptions